
Dental Hygiene

Dental hygiene is the practice of cleaning your mouth,teeth,and gums. A very common problem for people of all ages is cavaties.Cavaties hasppen when you do not take care of your teeth they start to decay and form cavaties.

Mental Hygiene

Mental hygiene is the science of mainting mental and preventing the development of psychosis,psycopothy,and neurosis or other mental disorders.Going deeper into neurosis the definition of neurosis is a relatively mild mental illness that is not caused by organic disease, involving symptoms of stress but still not a radical loss of touch of reality. Psychosis is a more major loss of touch with reality. Psychopathy is a neuropsychiatric disorder marked by deficien emotional responses,lack of empathy,and poor behavioral controls.

Additional mental hygiene

The main cause of most mental disorders is unkown. Although research suggests that it may be a combination of factors such as heredity, biology, psychological trauma, and environmental stress, might be involved. Three good ways to have good mental hygiene is keep active,eat well,and sometimes take a break.

Personal Hygiene

There are multiple practical personal hygiene practices you can do at home. One is take regular showers another is brush your teeth twice a day. Pretty much basic and obvious personal hygiene things you can do.

Ways to Sustain Personal Hygiene

Personal hygiene is not hard to mantain for most it is a habbit cause they have done it for so long that it has become a habbit. But if it is not habbit probably might want to write notes or take them in your phone maybe computer. It is a really good idea to have good hygiene cause betweenn school or work people don't wanna smell you I know I don't cause if you don't have good hygiene you probably smell like a wet dog and if you can't tell thats bad.

Mental Health Foundation

Britannica Mental health

CDC Dental hygiene